
EPC Products Material Testing Equipment Fire Testing Reaction to Fire Tests Elevated Temperature Oxygen Index
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Elevated Temperature Oxygen Index

Model:Elevated Temperature Oxygen Index

Use:Determination of Flammability by Oxygen Index

Standard:ISO 4589-3

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The FTT Oxygen Index (OI) and Temperature Oxygen Index (TOI), which replace the Stanton Redcroft FTA and HFTA, offer many improvements.

The latest oxygen analyser technology for high accuracy, reliability and long operating life.

Determination of Flammability by Oxygen Index
Oxygen Index is, perhaps, the most economical and precise quality control test of combustible materials. Its ease of use, together with high levels of precision has made this technique a primary characterising and quality control tool to the plastic and electric cable industries and it has been specified by several military and transport groups. The technique measures the minimum percentage of oxygen in the test atmosphere which is required to marginally support combustion.

The Temperature Oxygen Index module (TOI) must be used with either the new FTT Oxygen Index apparatus or with any traditional design, to determine the oxygen index at temperatures up to 125°C. Research shows that the elevated temperature at which the materials will burn in air is a better determinant of combustibility than is the conventional oxygen index. Oxygen Index values fall when the gas temperatures are increased. The FTT apparatus enables temperature oxygen index to be determined in accordance with ISO 4589 Part 3 or the UK Naval Engineering Standard NES 715. Elevated test temperatures are set by adjustment of the pre-heated gas temperature levels and setting the heated glass furnace wall temperatures. The temperatures of both heated sections are continuously displayed on the Temperature Index control unit. When experiments are being carried out using different oxygen levels, gas conservation is achieved by using air from an integral quiet running pump between tests. Bottled nitrogen and oxygen supplies are only switched into the system for testing.

Project Case
fire testing technology, FTT