Times are listed in ET.
11:00 AM
Introductions, description of session objectives
Martin McCann, Chair, COGGE
11:25 AM
Keynote Presentation: Lessons learned in Risk-Informed Decision Making
Thomas Denis O’Rourke, Cornell University
11:50 AM
From technical to ethical: a series of short talks from a variety of viewpoints regarding risk-informed decision making
Moderator: John Stamatakos, COGGE Member
Rosalyn Berne, University of Virginia
Robert Gilbert, University of Texas at Austin
Laurie Johnson, Laurie Johnson Consulting/Research
Steve Kramer, University of Washington (emeritus)
Kevin Marshall, Grant County (Washington) Public Utilities District
1:10 PM
1:30 PM
Q&A and discussion with speakers: What are the needs?
2:30 PM
2:40 PM
Discussion with COGGE speakers: Where do we go from here and how can COGGE serve?
3:25 PM
Closing comments
3:30 PM
Open session adjourns
Times are listed in ET.
11:00 AM
Introductions, description of session objectives
Martin McCann, Chair, COGGE
11:25 AM
Keynote Presentation: Lessons learned in Risk-Informed Decision Making
Thomas Denis O’Rourke, Cornell University
11:50 AM
From technical to ethical: a series of short talks from a variety of viewpoints regarding risk-informed decision making
Moderator: John Stamatakos, COGGE Member
Rosalyn Berne, University of Virginia
Robert Gilbert, University of Texas at Austin
Laurie Johnson, Laurie Johnson Consulting/Research
Steve Kramer, University of Washington (emeritus)
Kevin Marshall, Grant County (Washington) Public Utilities District
1:10 PM
1:30 PM
Q&A and discussion with speakers: What are the needs?
2:30 PM
2:40 PM
Discussion with COGGE speakers: Where do we go from here and how can COGGE serve?
3:25 PM
Closing comments
3:30 PM
Open session adjourns